Document Type : Scientific-Research Article
1 Professor, Tehran university
2 Tehran university
What is the relationship between pathological study of experiences the Iranian cyberspace users, and their religious and ethical beliefs? Is it possible to locate a significant relationship between different levels of religiousness, and pathological experiences? On the other hand, is there any relationship between attitudes to cyber harm(crime and abnormality) and level of religiousness? Is there a significant relationship among pathological experienceology, attitude-metrics on harm, and level of religiousness of cyberspace users? These are questions which will be discussed in this article. To answer these questions, we need to conceptualize a dual-space approach to virtual harm.
Therefore, we will first explain the dual space paradigm and, within this paradigm, the transmission of physical harm to cyber harm will be considered. Then, data from an online explorative questionnaire will be studied to scrutinize pathological experienceology, pathological attitude-metrics, and level of religiousness. Then the relationship between(1) level of religiousness and pathological experienceology and(2) level of religiousness and pathological attitude-metrics will be studied. We will conclude by presenting a pattern for the three above-mentioned variables before depicting a road map among them. Based on the method for path analysis and rationale of the explorative study, this map could be understood as an explorative path analysis or map for explorative path.