Western Islam and Islamophobia Duality; Case Study of a Selected Facebook Native English speakers

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 Professor of Communication at University of Tehran

2 M.A. of Communication at University of Tehran


From ancient times, the two Islamic and western civilizations expanded their rule over a large part of the world, and today, they have their dramatic confrontation. This research tries to examine the nature of this conflict, the destructive features and constructive interactions between the two in the existing atmosphere that as the result of social media like Facebook has gathered people from different nationalities and religions. The researcher has had an active participation in Facebook for two years , during which he has collected some documents and conducted interviews about two dominant themes, namely Islamophobia and Roman Islam, and after coding them has carried out Fairclough discourse analysis. The results show that the Roman Islam discourse is much weaker than Islamophobia, and offers a decorated and merciful picture, not of the genuine Islam, but the one supported by the west, paving the way for Islamophobic assaults, and this latter is expressed with a more popular approach to and criticism of the western media and officials.


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