A Pathological Approach to the Press Policy Making in Iran Based on the Revolution’s Leadership Discourse

Document Type : Scientific-Research Article


1 PhD student in Political Science, Islamic Azad University -Central Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor of political science of Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch


    Press policy in Iran is subjected to many variables, From executive system in charge of media management to the public space of society and other beneficiary groups and existing entities of the Islamic Republic political systems that have effective role in policy processes. However, in the 40-year history of the Islamic Republic, the structural and discourse role of revolutionary leaders in determination of the processes of press policy cannot be ignored. This article with analyzing the discourse of Imam Khomeini's and Ayatollah Khamenei's views on the press and media tries to redesign the desired model of media policy according to the ideas of these two people. Using an integrated method, this article uses systemic theory in policy and applies the discourse analysis data of revolutionary leaders based on Norman Fairclough model as system inputs and recognizes the problems of system output based on these inputs. Nearly two decades of researcher journalism experience and using a new way to analyze the discourse of revolutionary leaders' statements in the field of media have provided an opportunity to obtain a desirable model for defining revolutionary media in the discourse of revolutionary leaders, and after that to get the desired policy model in this area..


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5-2. مجلات خبری و خبرگزاری‌ها
پایگاه اطلاع‌رسانی دفتر مقام معظم رهبری
5-3. منابع انگلیسی
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